Top 10 Emotional Moment's in Naruto.

10.Naruto and hinata finally kiss

It took hundreds of episodes and a handful of movies to get here but it happened at long last naruto just happened to notice he had a grade a girl watching him from afar this whole time and decides to get on it of course he had to kick the shit out of a man from the moon beforehand but at the very least we got a rather enchanting scene of the pair kissing before a beautiful moon late night. hinata confessing her love just before payne sent her flying was pretty potent too but we're pretty sure the ship has lost their minds
over this little exchange. 

9.Itachi's past

For the longest time the older brother of the uchiha clan was believed to be nothing more than an
unfeeling murderer who had killed his family igniting the flame of vengeance that fueled sasuke then we found out he's possibly the most tragic and kind-hearted among naruto's pantheon,in order to suppress a coup among his own clan that would have spiraled into another war itachi painted himself as the
villain and killed everyone he loved except for sasuke choosing instead to make his sibling believe his older brother was a monster so he could grow up one day to avenge the uchiha and be hailed a hero selfless doesn't even begin to cover it.

8. Neji's death

Going from a rival to a rather mellow dude negi's turnaround was certainly one of the more staggering
even becoming downright likeable by the time the fourth great ninja war rolled around which made his passing all the more painful stepping in the way of an attack meant for naruto and hinata the once embittered hygge takes the full brunt of maru's attack. this sadly would result in him dying to save the cousin he used to despise and the man who would become the hokage

7.Shikamaru Grieves

Not to downplay just how saddening it was to see asmr die at the hands of heedan zell at jutsu but there was just something about the way in which the always composed shikamaru broke down just days later that really tore into us.  while the grieving process is certainly necessary for him to move on the way in which he tosses the shogi board before allowing himself to mourn his beloved teacher feels so genuinely human you're bound to shed a tear or two.

6.Minato and Kushina's deaths

It's no secret that naruto is an orphan but who would have guessed that hundreds of episodes on we'd actually get to see ma and pa uzumaki bite the big one after obito successfully summons the nine-tailed fox minato and kushina are left with no choice but to seal away the tailed beast's power into their newborn son sacrificing their lives in the process.with only a handful of seconds to say goodbye to their child kashina offers a tearful rundown of motherly advice and will be damned if it wasn't

5.Gara's Past

With a childhood that mirrored naruto's in many aspects it's little wonder gara spent his early
teens as a bloodthirsty monster that killed anyone who crossed him which is somewhat understandable when his own father tried to have him assassinated.after getting the one-tailed chukaku sealed inside of him gara became a pariah of the sand village feared by the masses due to the way his son jutsu automatically lashed out at those who had come near him throw in a dead mother and a father who viewed him as an experiment gone wrong and it's kind of amazing he turned out for the better.

4.Obito's death

The fact this entry could almost be multiple choice is depressing in of itself but for argument's sake we're going to say his secondary demise following the fight with kaguya not only because he finally made peace with kakashi but because he got to see rin again.given all the torment he had endured all
throughout his life this beautiful afterlife reunion was sweeter than it had any right to be good on him for finally getting the girl of his dreams posthumously but still.

3. Jiraiya's death

This one still hurts a lot while he may have been a perverted hermit uriah slowly grew on us as a beloved mentor and surrogate father figure for naruto seeking out the akatsuki leader the toad sage hoped to defeat payne himself to save the village from his wrath only to discover that the mastermind was actually his old student. we won't deny the battle between them was one of the best the series has ever produced but it still gets us each time we see jariah fall to the bottom of the lake passing the will of fire onto his knuckle-headed apprentice.

2. Sasuke and Itachi's final words

Ever since sasuke learned the truth about his brother's courage and sacrifice we were all dying to see the once hate-filled sibling reunite and confront itachi over the truth of his actions.thankfully after being brought back as a zombie not only did we see the two sharingan users worked side by
side in combat but itachi was finally able to make amends with his brother sasuke and tell him that he loved him both in life and in death hitachi was the man.

1.Zabuza and Haku's Death

While you could argue that the demises of other characters hit closer to home all are technically standing in the shadow of the first major heart-trending deaths of the series which is pretty impressive that up until the end the demon of the mist and his icy assassin were team seven's fist true villains.
the way in which a monster like zabaza found some manner of redemption in mourning his one and only friend proved to be just that potent especially for the early days of naruto.

Which Moment's make you emotional Plz comment below.

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