The Dragon Ball franchise has introduced us to a huge variety of different races and species throughout its run.some of them are friendly some of them are bent on world domination and some of them well we're still not quite sure where their allegiance lies usually each race.has some type of strong fighter but how do they compare to each other today we're ranking all the Dragon Balls races from weakest to strongest and you'll be surprised where some ended up let's get into it.

Well someone had to be the weakest and who better to sit firmly at the bottom of our list than the not so feared cabbage headed Cybermen look we have nothing against these little green plant guys they're kind of cute when you squint really hard and are standing 50 feet away and have a blindfold on but they just don't have anything that makes them truly special or all that memorable the only thing they got going for him is their ability to blow themselves up which can be effective just ask porky Anshe but it's not something that really screams strong and intelligent race and speaking of intelligence someone
please and roll these green guys into a community college course or something because they're only smart enough to understand orders that are given to them by whoever's leading them no wonder they're mainly used for training purposes for stronger races.
Maybe it's because they have names that sound like some outdoor vermin or maybe it's because they look like giant wrinkly gum balls but the yard rat species just barely misses out on the title of the weakest species but it looks like the yard rats at least realized their physical limitations and have focused more on developing their mental powers utilizing the ability to manipulate space and time and to give some credit they did end up teaching Goku the instant transmission technique which proved to be extremely beneficial maybe we're being too hard on these dried up turnips.
16. Makyans
cinnamon ginger vinegar garlic are we naming our favorite spices nope we're just listing off some known Mack Ian's yep that's right apparently their planet the Macchio star was only able to stream
the food network because mostly all of them seemed to be named after spices sure it makes sense in this universe and sands are named after vegetables but even though we think it's cool for Saiyans just sounds silly for the McKeon's but anyway the machi ins ranks solo on this list because they mainly just show up as filler arc between the priests of saga and the trunk saga maybe this species is stronger but we can't really think about that because we're too obsessed or the fact that the villainous group of Machens are called the spice boys which is the leasts cariest name for a deadly group of aliens we can think of.
15. Tuples
Doesn't a puffle just sound cute like they belong in the shelf next to those oversized plush stuffed animals but don't let their adorable names fool ya these guys are pretty strong okay maybe that's a little too generous the most important thing to know about the tuples are that they lived on planet Vegeta before the Saiyans arrived back then it wasn't even called planet Vegeta but rather planet plant which just sounds like the type of planet primed for conquering the Saiyans then Christopher Columbus that planet by taking it over and renaming it although not these strongest fighters they are known to create in wheeled advanced technology that made them formidable in battle obviously they say and still
crush them and took over their planet but it didn't stop the Tuffle z' from putting up a better fight than a lot of races would have so they have that going for him.
mainly prominence in the Dragon Ball Z raft the dragon film the cannot see ins left a pretty strong impression in their appearance they look a lot like Earthlings - some funky hair choices and large pointed ears but given how a lot of aliens look in this universe it's nothing that surprising like a lot of species out there not everyone is an extreme fighter but the ones that are really left a mark with a select few of them being powerful swordsman and having the ability to use magic and fancy technology the
Connexions were at war with the cash bar another alien race that awakened an ancient monster called her rude Agarn this beast who was a phantom Majin more on them later dealt serious damage to the Colossians to defeat it tapi on and his brother sacrificed themselves and trapped the monster within them and then sealed themselves into some enchanted music boxes and drifted in space for a thousand years that sacrifice doesn't get them on the list of strongest species than we don't know what would.
13.Bibbidi s' race
My buddies race is one that's difficult to place on this list these little green ghouls who are just dying to stomp on and squish into goo don't seem very strong like we're pretty sure a three-year-old throwing a tantrum could beat these guys in a fistfight but like the yard rats it's their magical power that makes them a force to be reckoned with in the universe looking at bibbidi we can assume the whole race is pretty strange whenever bibbidi needed help he would split himself into multiple people and divide his magical power between them one of these doppelgangers was bhavati man then when the original bibbity died bhavati stuck around and inherited all of the original Vivat ease powers if these disgusting slug creatures can control majin buu one of the strongest beings ever it makes these guys one of the strongest species as much as we hate to admit it though of course you can only control something like Buu for so long until it backfires on ya.
12.Ledgic's Race
Although not completely confirmed logic species seems to be a race of mercenaries and if they're all as strong as logic then they're a deadly serious threat legit appears in Dragon Ball GT is the personal bodyguard of Donkey who lives on planet a mecha his race seemed to be tall powerful green humanoids who look like cobras if they grew arms and legs logic himself seems to rock that reverse best look with a small red jacket that covers his arms but leaves his green chest exposed now that's what
we call fashion although he's a mercenary it does seem like logic works by some sort of code he seems to respect Goku after their fight even though he lost during their battle the two actually seemed evenly matched at first until logic demanded that Goku go all-out against him once Goku turned Super Saiyan he easily bested leged but did admit that logic would be much more powerful if he trained more don't give the guy tips Goku.
where do we even start with the Dragons like clearly the original dragons allama is the most powerful beings ever with the ability to grant any wish but since then we've learned a ton about dragons and how strong their species is while there are some major limitations that stop dragons from being higher on this list hey dragon only has the power of its creator and therefore can't grant a wish to kill it being stronger than its creator which is a major inconvenience we also have to mention the that since these dragons can only tap into their extreme magical power by someone else granting a wish it really
makes them more of a useful tool than their own strong species of course there are some dragon fighters that are pretty powerful.thanks to Dragon Ball GT where we got to see Super Saiyan 4 Goku struggle to take down nuova Shenron ice Shenron and of course omega shenron overall it's wise not to mess with a dragon under any circumstance.
10. Demons
In a universe with super-powered alien species evil wizards and Dragons of course there would be
demons how could there not be and these guys aren't the normal fire and brimstone demons you might be used to but rather just another race of super-powered fighters our main point of entry into the demon race is Debra from Dragon Ball Z during the Majin Buu saga this demon king was under bobbidi spell and became his right-hand man he had this nasty tendency to spit on people and turn them to stone which sounds like one of the most deadly and grossest powers in the entire universe with the other main demon TOA showing off her strength and her powers in the Dragon Ball video games it proves the demons are a powerful species that know how to put up a good fight when challenged.
Do androids count as a race if they were just created by someone else there are so many of them and there are so many variations running around the Dragon Ball universe that we're gonna go with yes they're judged a bit differently than a lot of races on this list because everything that makes them special is just programming by their creators if they're super strong or super week they were purposefully made to be that way but what they lack an organic look and potential they make up for with various technological upgrades that give them insane power-ups and an endless supply of energy that helps them never get tired they're almost a perfect species in that way and of course this race has produced some of the strongest characters ever seen on the show with Sal being a prime example but the numbered androids also pack a powerful punch can we just all agree that androids are bad and we should never create them good.
8. Humans
In a universe that is rapidly expanded and continues to introduce powerful race after powerful race to humans really deserve a spot on this list we think if you look at their overall contribution to the
series and how they continue to try their hardest their ground against powerful pose humans definitely deserve recognition if we had to choose a human fighter to represent our species in a brawl we'd
probably choose Crillon but to be honest with his lack of a nose is he really human never mind we don't want to know the answer to that one the point is although alien races keep growing stronger it's never wise to count humans out of the fight you never know when they might surprise you and do
something absolutely epic.
7. Freezes race
Frieza is a logical thinker he feared the sands ability to get stronger with every fight and believed that they'd one day be more powerful than him his solution was to completely destroy planet Vegeta so that couldn't happen this tells us.Frieza and his mysterious race of people on one hand Frieza has the strength to destroy a whole planet which puts him firmly in the strong category,hand he did it because he knew they could become stronger than him something that absolutely came true when he faced Super Saiyan Goku so it's not like he's all-powerful or something but
Frieza proved his race isn't stuck at one strength level after finally training to become stronger Frieza
eventually gained a power that could beat a Super Saiyan which shows just how strong they can become with proper motivation and the Rest a freezes family also seems to imply how strong their race is.
The marjins are so powerful and so scary they make a shiver almost every time we see the color pink of course the scariest we've seen of the margins has been majin buu who very well may be the creator of his entire species all we know about majin buu is that he has existed for a very very long time and books like Patrick Starr from SpongeBob got injected with Captain America's Super Soldier Serum it isn't clear if boo is the last of an ancient species or if some ancient God thought it would be funny to create something like Buu to wreak havoc on the world but either way we're not happy about it the margins strength is practically unrivaled and combined with their insane healing ability it's no wonder why Buu
was one of the toughest villains in Dragon ball history.
The namekians are the best of both worlds they're a race of green aliens who come in a lot of different varieties but the two strongest are the Dragon Clan and warrior types the Dragon Clan are the magical types and we're not just talking children's birthday party magicians baby know when these namekians reach a certain level of power they create Dragon Balls and usually when a race is so magically gifted they're not the strongest fighters around but the namekians are one of the exceptions to that rule they're warrior types have proven to be worthy fighters and some of the strongest in the show and it's their
ability to fuse with and absorb others that makes them such a standout race piccolo is of course the prime example being able to keep up with the growing power of Goku and Vegeta throughout the series and even eventually labelling the strength of a super power.
Move over regular Chi because he just can't compete with the supreme Kai's although they're technically the same species known as the sh engine the power difference between the two is vast the
shin Jin are a race that are born into divinity and then trained to be a chi or a supreme kai obviously any title with supreme in front of it is the better option but it does come with more responsibilities the supreme Kai's have the job of protecting the universe which is a pretty important position probably
worth more than minimum wage but with their ability to create entire planets their telekinetic strength and their overall strong fighting prowess these little guys with spiky white hair have proven their worth over and over again.
If Angels weren't quite as duty-bound they'd be without a doubt at the top of this list their strength is unrivaled and it's only because they don't feel the need to flex their muscles and fight all that much that they're sitting just outside the top two in each of the 12 universes there's only one angel inhabiting each universe to maintain order and while the Angels appearances are very subdued compared to a lot of races in this video as they're just a bunch of blue skinned people who wear similar pattern but different colored robes the powers they're able to showcase are incredible they can time travel that will create objects from thin air travel at a speed faster than anything in the entire universe and beat any enemy they want with a bat of their eye really they have the abilities that should make anyone any universe braid of them but again these angels are duty-bound and won't just go rogue and use their powers freely which we should all be thankful for .
How mad would everyone be if we made a list of strongest Dragonball races and excluded the Saiyans it would be a pretty funny April Fool's joke because obviously the Saiyans were going to be in this List. in fact you've probably watched it mainly to see where the sands ranked and here they are you know maybe we should be thankful that planet Vegeta got destroyed because now the only sands that are left are the insanely powerful ones but while the Saiyans have been beaten over and over and over again the thing that really sets them apart is they're practically limitless potential to keep growing more powerful can you imagine the Saiyans with their current strengths facing off against their younger selves
no it would be a slaughter because they continue to level up and increase their powers beyond fathomable limits sure they're not these mystical ancient beings are magical immortals but because of their determination and capacity to learn it's not a far stretch to think that one day they could become the most powerful beings and all the known universes .
1.Jiren's race
May be a controversial choice for our number one spot that we believe jaren's race is the strongest in the Dragon Ball universe we can only judge based off of jiren but just looking at him it's clear his race
is something special it's truly amazing what jiren accomplished it was a mortal who grew to be so strong that he surpassed a god of destruction but declines an invitation to become one man to become so powerful that you're offered a role as a god and then turn it down that's next level cool and when we
first meet sure and he's determined to do everything on his own without health he doesn't need teamwork or collaboration and is solely focused on his goal he also has an incredibly strong sense of justice at first not wanting to leave his universe unprotected to participate in the tournament of power his strong sense of duty matched with his absurd strength makes him and his race the strongest in
the franchise.