Top 10 Most Powerful Character's in Dragon Ball Z (DBZ)


While we would like to put Zeno at the top of this list, the omni-king isn't really a fighter, and his power is really more about his omnipotence and almighty control over reality and the multiverse. So, who is at the top of this list of Dragon Ball characters that actually fights? None other than Beerus' Angel attendant, Whis. While Whis might not be an active fighter in any of the conflicts that the Z-fighters have faced in Dragon Ball Super, he is Beerus' teacher, which means he is both stronger than the God of Destruction and a better fighter. All Angels are assigned to Destroyers to teach them to properly wield their Destruction power, which means they have to be strong enough and powerful enough to deal with already powerful beings on a daily basis.

Whis has this power in spades. He is both a powerful being with great amounts of Godly Ki and he is an incredibly skilled fighter and teacher, one who is also incredibly fast. In fact, Whis claims to be the fastest amongst all the Angels, a claim that is backed up by his incredible speed both in a fight and while traveling across the universe. To top it all off, Whis has great magical abilities that allow him to create anything he needs and even bring the dead back to life. While Goku fans might not like the results, Whis is definitely the strongest fighter in all of Dragon Ball.



Now we get into the final two, which are, of course, gods, since no mortal could make it at the top of the list. First up is God of Destruction Beerus. Why Beerus when we've seen other Gods of Destruction? Well, aside from short squabbles with Champa, Beerus is the only God of Destruction whose power we've seen in full. Thus, he is the only one we can really judge among all of the Destroyers. So, how strong is Beerus and what makes him stronger than Jiren, despite the fact that we just said Jiren is a being who surpassed the gods? Let's take a look at what a Destroyer does.

The job of a God of Destruction is to, well, destroy. But destroy what, exactly? Beerus uses Destruction energy to take out threats to mortal life and peace in the universe. He's not an evil villain, he's just one side of the life and death god coin, acting as the counterpart Supreme Kai Shin, the god of life. While Jiren's power level might be higher, Beerus possesses both Godly Ki, which he has trained for centuries with and is more potent than regular ki, and destruction energy, which, paired with all the training he has received from Whis, means that very nature of his power surpasses Jiren's even if his mastery of it and level of it might not.



What? Goku is number four? But who could be stronger than him? Well, aside from the gods of the franchise (which we'll get to), there is but one warrior who has proven to be too much for Goku, Jiren the Gray. Jiren is a Pride Trooper from Universe 11 who, after a tragic event in his past, trained non stop to never face that kind of tragedy again. The only thing that matters to Jiren is strength, and he worked hard to get it; so hard in fact that he was feared by the gods to be the legendary warrior prophesied to surpass them.

Jiren is unbelievably strong, so strong that the barely has to move a muscle to destroy an opponent, and when he does actually get serious, his punches are strong enough to hit from afar and his psychic attacks are nearly unstoppable. Jiren was so strong that his power was enough to challenge Goku into pushing his own limits and achieving a new form, and even that wasn't enough to defeat Jiren! Seriously, Jiren actually sat out most of the Tournament of Power because it would have been a waste of his power to use his strength on the other warriors. Without a doubt, Jiren is the strongest mortal to exist in the world of Dragon Ball.


Come on, don't act like you didn't see this coming! Of course Goku ranks higher than Vegeta, he's the main character after all! Plus, the whole point of his character his breaking limits and pushing his power as far as it can go, so by all means he should be number one on this list, but he hasn't quite reached that power level yet. So then, how strong is he if he is not number one? Well, he has not achieved Super Saiyan Blue Evolution like Vegeta has, but he did achieve a new form in the Tournament of Power that trumps it, Ultra Instinct.

This form is not actually a Super Saiyan form and is more of a technique that comes with a transformation, one that anyone could conceivably achieve, though not easily since even the gods of the Dragon Ball universe have trouble achieving and mastering it, which is why they all stood up in respect for Goku when he used the full Ultra Instinct form for the first time. This should say something about the power if this form, which gives Goku perfect offense and defense without thinking, relying on pure instinct to attack, resulting in the strongest he's ever been. Because of the effectiveness of this form, Goku comes in at number four on this list.


Vegeta SSJ Blue 2 on Dragon Ball Super

As we just mentioned, the only one who was able to defeat Toppo was Vegeta, and he was only able to do so by using the same self-destruction technique he used to defeat Majin Buu, only this time it worked and he survived. The fact that he was able to survive his own explosion says a lot about how far Vegeta has come, and while he is constantly trying to surpass Goku, and thus never satisfied with his own immense power, he still deserves a high ranking on this list. We gave him number five for a few reasons, the first being that he defeated Toppo and is thus capable of destroying a Destroyer, and the second is that he finally surpassed Goku in the Tournament of Power, at least in one regard.

See, both Goku and Vegeta are able to go Super Saiyan Blue, a form that results from using the godly ki of Super Saiyan God and filtering it through their Super Saiyan form. While Goku did achieve a new form of his own (we'll get to that next), Vegeta also achieved a new form in the Tournament of Power, one that actually surpasses Super Saiyan Blue. This form, known as Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, is essentially Super Saiyan 2 but with godly ki, which, if we are considering this Vegeta's peak, makes him one of the top five strongest characters in Dragon Ball.


Just who are the warriors aside from Goku and Vegeta that are stronger than Frieza? Well, the best place to look are the opponents that he faced in the Tournament of Power, one of the strongest being Toppo. Toppo hails from Universe 11 and is a member of the Pride Troopers, warrior heroes who fight villains and defend justice. He is also their second strongest member, in both his normal form and a form he revealed towards the end of the Tournament of Power. Since we are looking at these characters' peak strength, then we are of course going to look at Toppo's Destroyer form, which made him one tough opponent.

See, Toppo is the next in line to be his Universe's god of destruction, and during the Tournament of Power, Toppo gave in to his potential and became a Destroyer, summoning Destruction power and achieving the strength of a god, strength that Frieza had to combat. In his Destroyer form, Toppo has access to godly ki, which puts him on the same level as Super Saiyan Blue, as well as Destruction power, which puts him way past Super Saiyan Blue and allows him to destroy anything he wishes. Toppo was so strong in this form that it actually took a self-destruction technique from Vegeta to take him out, not even Golden Frieza could win against this God of Destruction candidate!


When Frieza was introduced to Dragon Ball Z, he was supposed to be an endgame villain, a character so unbelievably powerful that there was no conceivable way to defeat him. But, of course, Goku was able to defeat the intergalactic tyrant by achieving a form thought to be lost to time, a form that Frieza feared the most, the Super Saiyan form. With this power up, Goku was able to fight Frieza blow for blow, eventually leaving him to die in the explosion of Planet Namek. But, he didn't die, he survived and got a cybernetic body, which still wasn't enough against a Super Saiyan, as he was killed by Future Trunks. Frieza eventually returned with a form that knocked his previous power level out of the park.

We are of course talking about Golden Frieza, a temporary form that Frieza achieved after training for the first time in his life and puts him at his peak strength. In this form, Frieza was said to be stronger than Super Saiyan blue, but we're going to rank him at number seven on this list, both because Goku and Vegeta eventually gained forms stronger than Super Saiyan Blue and because there are a few other warriors we've seen that surpass him.


Gohan has had quite the journey over the years. He started out as an innocent child Chi-Chi did not want to become a fighter. But, because of the impending arrival of the Saiyans, Gohan was forced to learned to fight by Piccolo, sticking with his training from then on to help fight the Androids. Gohan was even the one to defeat Cell after being the first to unlock Super Saiyan 2, a form much more powerful than regular Super Saiyan. From there, Gohan lost a bit of his power during the peaceful time leading up to the Buu saga, losing even more after Buu was defeated, becoming what many have called Tracksuit Gohan, who was a shadow of his Ultimate Self. But, leading up to and during the Tournament of Power, Gohan has reached his highest power yet, a power that puts him at number eight on this list.

When Gohan went Super Saiyn 2 during the Buu saga, Vegeta said that his power was lower than it was during his fight with Cell. So, does that mean his fight with his Cell was his peak? Nope, and it wasn't during his fight against Super Buu either, which alone is enough to rank his power higher. No, his highest level is, as mentioned, in the Tournament of Power, where he regained his Ultimate Form and then some, able to access all of his body's power without draining his stamina and ki. He might not be the strongest fighter, but Gohan is definitely the strongest half-Saiyan.


Because Buu has so many forms, it is sometimes hard to determine which was his strongest. While his "Kid" form was the final enemy of Dragon Ball Z, it wasn't actually his strongest, it was just his base form that was so driven by rage and raw power that it was harder to fight based on unpredictability and stronger malicious intent. So, since we are ranking characters at their strongest point, then we are going to go with Buu's "Super" form, specifically when he fought Vegito, after he absorbed Gohan, which we think is his peak power level.

So, with that in mind, how strong was Super Buu at this point? Well, after his evil half absorbed his innocent half, Buu became Super Buu, a much stronger version of himself that could also steal the powers of others, which is exactly what he did after he absorbed Gotenks, Piccolo and Gohan. It took the power of a fusion to fight and overpower Super Buu like this, which is why we are ranking him so high at number nine. Some might think that Super Buu should be higher up on the list, but when you see who's next, we think you'll agree with this ranking.


Hit is an assassin from Universe 6 with a fair amount of power, but his true strength lies in his unique ability, the power to skip through time. With this power, Hit is able to move forward in time and take his opponent by surprise. He also has a long list of other time-related powers that stem from his power to skip through time. For example, Hit is able to store up the time that he skips over in a pocket dimension that allows him several additional abilities, like being able to trap his opponents in this dimension, over which he has control of, or being able to store his physical form in the time dimension to make himself intangible. It's all quite interesting and powerfully deadly, which is why he is such an affective assassin.

In terms of overall power, Hit is quite powerful, able to go toe to toe with Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, which is incredibly impressive. However, there are a few things that dampen his overall ranking, despite the fact that he is considered the strongest fighter in Universe 6. For one thing, take away his time-based powers, and Hit doesn't really have any special techniques, only relying on close combat and precise aim with super-strong punches. This is to say that Hit earns a place in the top 10 because of his Time-skip powers, but we're going to place him at exactly number 10 because he doesn't fully utilize his strength.

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